Spinal Cord Injuries: Unveiling the Physical and Mental Toll

Spinal cord injuries, much like those sustained in a car accident, have the potential to turn lives upside down, leaving a profound impact on both the physical and emotional well-being of the victims. In such circumstances, securing the services of an Injury Lawyer or an Accident Lawyer becomes crucial.

This significant health condition is not unlike a mental health disorder, and the correct diagnosis can influence the treatment path considerably. The journey to recovery can be arduous, necessitating comprehensive and thorough support, guidance, and medical research, much like the support you would expect from your injury attorney.

At Ornelas and Serna, we empathize with these challenges faced by patients grappling with spinal injuries, consequences of car accidents, mental health problems, and more, much like an understanding and empathetic Injury Lawyer would.

Understanding the anxiety that augments these symptoms is a significant aspect of our approach to providing comprehensive care, and we champion self-care strategies as an important part of managing any debilitating health condition.

The Physical Toll of Spinal Cord Injuries

In this comprehensive guide, we shed light on the multifaceted effects of spinal cord injuries, providing invaluable insights and information to empower and educate those navigating this complex terrain. From altered motor functions to the intricate realm of emotional trauma and mental conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly diagnosed post car accidents and handled by Accident Lawyers, we delve into the depths of this life-altering experience.

Loss or Altered Sensation

When it comes to spinal cord injuries, the consequences go far beyond motor impairments. They can influence every aspect of a person’s life, from mobility and employment opportunities to interactions with family members and mental health status. Alongside an Accident Lawyer, we aim to guide individuals on their path to recovery. Additionally, we will be addressing the crucial role of medications in mitigating these issues, reducing the risk of related complications, and explaining how an Injury Lawyer can be an additional support in these tough times.

Loss of Bladder Control

As an Accident Lawyer would confirm, spinal cord injuries can give rise to involuntary muscle contractions, commonly known as spasms. These spasms may cause discomfort, muscle stiffness, and even interfere with daily activities.Reflex issues can further complicate matters, triggering abnormal responses to stimuli and affecting motor coordination, much like those experienced in a car accident.

Spasms and Reflex Issues

Spinal cord injuries can disrupt the intricate network of sensory pathways, leading to loss or altered sensation. Victims may experience a diminished ability to perceive touch, temperature, and pressure. An Injury Attorney often handles such complex cases where a disability is a major issue that affects many people and can have a serious impact on their quality of life. This is where our comprehensive care, which considers both physical and psychological disorders, plays a significant role.

Difficulty Breathing

Injuries higher up the spinal cord, such as those sustained in a car accident and typically handled by an Accident Lawyer, can impede the respiratory system, resulting in breathing difficulties. The impact on lung capacity and function can vary depending on the severity and level of the injury.

Weight Gain

The sedentary lifestyle and reduced mobility associated with spinal cord injuries, often witnessed by Injury Attorneys in their clients, can predispose individuals to weight gain. Physical limitations, coupled with metabolic changes, can make weight management a significant challenge. Implementing a well-balanced diet and incorporating tailored exercise routines become vital for maintaining optimal health. This important fight for your well-being is where our professional guidance and support aims to make a significant difference.

The Mental Struggles Faced by Spinal Cord Injury Survivors

In addition to the physical hurdles, spinal cord injuries can take a toll on the mental well-being of the affected individuals. Conditions like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder can often develop following such drastic life events. Together, let’s explore the emotional and psychological challenges commonly experienced during the recovery process, as an experienced attorney would do in the fight for you:

Emotional Trauma

The emotional impact of a spinal cord injury can be overwhelming. Coping with the sudden change in circumstances, the loss of independence, and the challenges of adjusting to a new reality can trigger a range of emotions, including grief, anger, frustration, and even depression. It is essential to acknowledge and address these emotional struggles to foster psychological well-being, alongside promoting physical recovery, similar to how a professional lawyer fights for the rights and compensation of their client.

Understanding Fault in Spinal Cord Injury Claims

Determining liability is a critical aspect of pursuing a spinal cord injury claim, much like a professional lawyer is essential when filing for compensation. Establishing fault requires proving negligence on the part of another party involved. The following factors, which sound like the checklist of an experienced attorney, contribute to understanding fault in such claims and can come from thorough research of the event, as well as information gathered from employment and other relevant records:

Negligence and Liability

To build a strong case, it is crucial to demonstrate that the spinal cord injury resulted from the negligence of another party. Liability factors are very similar to those a professional lawyer would consider, as they can fall on individuals, groups, or even employers. Legal implications can be serious and far-reaching, and should not be taken lightly. Depending on the situation, legal implications can range from a simple fine or warning to more serious consequences such as jail time or a hefty lawsuit.

For individuals, legal implications can be especially daunting, as the costs associated with a legal dispute can be astronomical. Not only are there the obvious costs associated with hiring a lawyer, but there are also the hidden costs associated with the time and energy spent on a legal dispute. New Mexico’s pure comparative fault jurisdiction accounts for shared responsibility, meaning recovery may be limited based on the respective parties’ degree of fault. This means that if one party is found to be more at fault than the other, the amount of damages they are able to recover may be reduced.

This is because the court will take into account the amount of fault each party has and will adjust the award of damages accordingly. This is known as the doctrine of comparative negligence and is used to determine the amount of damages a party is entitled to receive. Comparative negligence is based on the idea that both parties are at fault and that the amount of damages should be allocated accordingly. This legal doctrine is used to determine the degree of fault for each party in a civil action, and the resulting liability for damages.

In a comparative negligence system, each party is assigned a percentage of fault, and the damages are calculated accordingly. This system is based on the idea that both parties are responsible for the damages, and that the amount of the damages should be proportionate to the amount of fault assigned to each party. For example, if one party is found to be 90% at fault and the other 10%, the damages should reflect this. In this scenario, the party found to be 90% at fault would be liable for 90% of the damages, while the other party would be liable for the remaining 10%.

This means that if one party is found to be primarily responsible for the damages, they will be required to cover the majority of the costs. This is a common practice in many legal cases, as it helps to ensure that the party who is responsible for the dispute pays for the costs associated with the proceedings. This practice is beneficial for both parties involved, as it prevents one side from having to bear the financial burden of the case. Additionally, it helps to ensure that each party is held accountable for their actions and that the process is fair for all involved.

It is important to remember that the court costs associated with a case can be quite high, and this can be a major strain on the finances of those involved. Understanding this legislation and its implications requires a depth of legal knowledge and insight, alongside an ability to analyze and present relevant information effectively.

Seeking Compensation for Spinal Cord Injuries

Recovering from a spinal cord injury involves not just physical and emotional healing but also financial considerations. Understanding the types of compensation available is as crucial as knowing the laws that your professional lawyer will use to fight for you. Economic damages cover quantifiable expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, and related costs. Accurate evaluation of medical expenses becomes pivotal in determining the recoverable amount, as spinal injury cases can incur significant medical costs.

Economic Damages

Economic damage, such as lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, and the cost of medical care, are all essential components of a spinal injury case. Lost wages are calculated by taking into account the amount of time the injured person was unable to work due to their injury. This includes the time they had to take off work for medical appointments, any physical therapy they had to attend, and any time they had to take off to rest and recover. This calculation also takes into account any wages the injured person lost due to their inability to work, as well as any medical expenses they incurred during their recovery.

This includes any costs associated with treatments, medications, and any other medical services they needed to help them heal. In addition, the calculation also considers any pain and suffering endured by the patient as a result of the injury, as well as any emotional distress caused by the incident. This is to ensure that the patient is adequately compensated for the trauma they have experienced.

Non-economic Damages

Non-economic damages account for the intangible impact of the injury on the victim’s life. These damages encompass pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and other subjective factors, all of which an experienced attorney might consider when seeking compensation. These subjective factors can include the individual’s overall quality of life, both before and after the incident that caused the injury. For example, if the injury limits the individual’s ability to engage in activities they enjoyed before the injury, such as playing sports or other physical activities.

This can be incredibly frustrating, as it may mean that they can no longer participate in something they loved or had been doing for years. It can also mean they are unable to participate in activities that they had been looking forward to, such as going to the movies, attending a concert, or even going on vacation. Considering the long-lasting effects of spinal injuries, non-economic damages hold substantial importance in seeking fair compensation.

The Importance of Timely Action

When it comes to spinal cord injury claims, time is of the essence, like the approach of a professional lawyer who would fight for your compensation. Each state has a statute of limitations that imposes a time limit for filing a lawsuit and pursuing compensation. In New Mexico, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury claim. Delaying legal action can jeopardize the chances of receiving the compensation you deserve

Trust Ornelas and Serna for Unwavering Support

At Ornelas and Serna, we understand the complexities involved in spinal cord injury cases and the immense impact they have on individuals and their families. Our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to helping accident victims navigate the legal process with compassion and expertise.

We work on a contingency fee basis, ensuring that you don’t bear the financial burden unless we win your case. Contact us today at 505-657-5269 for a free consultation with one of our seasoned New Mexico spinal cord injury lawyers. We are well-equipped to assist with the variety of challenges presented by these injuries and the potential mental health problems they can precipitate. Our key role is to fight for you and the compensation you deserve.