Serving ALL of New Mexico

Las Cruces Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been involved in a car accident in Las Cruces?

We understand the pain and stress that you are going through. What if we told you there is a way to improve the situation and resume your everyday life? That’s right; Ornelas & Serna is a reputable and licensed law firm in Las Cruces that specializes in helping car accident victims get fully compensated by insurance companies.

No need to worry about financial losses, current and future medical bills, missed time at work, or other inconveniences caused by the accident. We will file a claim on your behalf, collect evidence, and negotiate with the insurance company to ensure you get total compensation within the shortest time possible.

Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer in Las Cruces

Unfortunately, car accidents are common, and they can cause severe injuries and financial hardship for those involved. If you are in a car accident in Las Cruces, New Mexico, you may wonder if you need to hire a car accident lawyer. 

Here are five primary reasons you should hire a car accident lawyer in Las Cruces, New Mexico:

Legal Expertise

Car accident lawyers deeply understand the laws and regulations related to car accidents. They will help you navigate the complex legal process and protect your rights. 

They will also handle communication with insurance companies, negotiate with other parties involved in the accident, and help you understand your legal options.

Financial Compensation

Car accident injuries can result in significant medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial losses. An experienced car accident lawyer will help you pursue compensation for these damages, including economic and non-economic losses such as pain and suffering. 

They will also help you understand the value of your case and work to negotiate a fair settlement with insurance companies or other parties.


A car accident lawyer can thoroughly investigate the accident, gathering evidence such as witness statements, police reports, and medical records. They will work with accident reconstruction experts and other professionals to build a strong case on your behalf.

Experience in Court Proceedings

If your case cannot be settled out of court, a car accident lawyer can represent you in court. They have experience presenting cases to judges and juries and will help you navigate the legal process confidently.

Peace of Mind

Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful and overwhelming. Hiring an accident lawyer will ease the burden by taking care of legal and financial matters. This can allow you to focus on your physical recovery and emotional well-being.

Hiring a car accident lawyer in Las Cruces, New Mexico, can provide numerous benefits, including legal expertise, financial compensation, investigation, experience in court, and peace of mind.

If you have been in a car accident, it is crucial to consult Ornelas & Serna as soon as possible to understand your legal options and protect your rights.



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How is Car Accident Compensation Calculated in Las Cruces, New Mexico?

Calculating car accident claim compensation can be complicated, and it is important to understand the factors that will be considered in determining the amount you may be entitled to from the insurance company. The factors include;

Medical Expenses

The cost of medical treatment for injuries sustained in a car accident will be a significant factor in determining compensation. This includes hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, medications, and other medical expenses.

Lost Wages

If the injuries sustained in the car accident prevent you from working, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. It encompasses present and future earnings that may be affected by the injury.

Property Damage

Compensation for property damage will be factored into the overall compensation amount. It includes repairs to your vehicle or any other property damaged in the accident.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for pain and suffering is awarded for the physical and emotional pain caused by the accident. It includes any mental anguish, disfigurement, disability, and loss of enjoyment of life.


Comparative Negligence

If you are found to be partially at fault for the accident, your compensation may be reduced accordingly. New Mexico follows a “comparative negligence” system, meaning that the compensation amount will be reduced based on the percentage of fault attributed to you.

Role of Insurance Companies in Compensation Calculation

Insurance companies play a major role in calculating car accident claim compensation. They typically offer a settlement amount, which may be lower than what you are entitled to. Insurance companies are primarily concerned with their bottom line and may attempt to minimize your compensation. Having an experienced Las Cruces car accident lawyer to negotiate with the insurance companies will ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Role of Car Accident Lawyers in Compensation Calculation

An experienced car accident lawyer can help ensure that you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. They can help negotiate with insurance companies, collect evidence, and provide legal representation in court if necessary. Car accident lawyers are well-versed in the laws governing car accidents in Las Cruces and can help you navigate the complex legal process.

In a nutshell, calculating car accident claim compensation in Las Cruces is a complicated process that involves multiple factors. The amount of compensation will depend on the severity of the injuries sustained, the impact on your life, and the negligence of other parties involved in the accident. 

What to Do After Being Involved in a Car Accident in Las Cruces

Car accidents are a traumatic and overwhelming experience. Knowing exactly what to do if you are involved in one will ensure you get compensated. 

Check for Injuries

The first priority after an accident is to check for injuries. If anyone is injured, call 911 immediately and wait for medical assistance to arrive. If you can move safely, move away from the accident scene to avoid further harm.

Call the Police

Even if there are no injuries, it is important to call the police at the accident scene. The police will file a report, which can be helpful if you need to file a claim with your insurance company or hire a car accident lawyer.

Exchange Information 

Exchange information with the other driver(s) involved in the accident, including names, phone numbers, addresses, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information. Also, note the other vehicle’s make, model, and license plate number.

Take Photos

If you can do so safely, take photos of the accident scene and any damage to the vehicles involved. The injury lawyer will use the photos as evidence when negotiating a settlement with the insurance company.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide them with the necessary information. Be honest and straightforward with your insurance company, but do not admit fault or apologize for the accident.

Consult with a Car Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in the accident, it is recommendable to consult with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

Follow Up on Medical Treatment

If you have been injured in an accident, seek medical treatment and follow up on any recommended care. Keep track of all medical bills and documentation, as this is vital evidence in a personal injury claim.

In summary, if you are involved in a car accident in Las Cruces, New Mexico, prioritize safety, exchange information with the other driver(s), take photos, and contact your insurance company. If you have been injured, seek medical treatment and consult a car accident lawyer to understand your legal options. These steps will help ensure you are protected and receive the compensation you deserve.

Latest Las Cruces Car Accident Statistics 

 Here are some statistics on accidents in Las Cruces in 2019 from City Data.

  • Total fatal accident count = 11
  • Number of vehicles involved in fatal accidents = 18
  • Fatal accidents involving drunk drivers = 3
  • Total number of fatalities = 11
  • Total number of persons involved in car crashes = 31
  • Number of pedestrians involved in the crashes = 5

Common Types of Car Accident Injuries in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Car accidents cause many injuries, some of which can have long-lasting and debilitating effects. The most common injuries are;


Whiplash is a common car accident injury when the head is suddenly jerked forward and backward. It can cause pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Head Injuries 

Head injuries can range from minor concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating.

Spinal Injuries

Spinal injuries can be caused by the sudden jolt of a car accident and range from minor strains to more severe herniated discs or spinal cord injuries. Symptoms include pain, numbness, and weakness in the back, arms, and legs.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are a common car accident injury and can occur in any part of the body. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected area.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries, such as organ damage or internal bleeding, may not be immediately apparent after a car accident but can turn life-threatening if left untreated. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

Psychological Injuries

Car accidents can also cause psychological injuries, such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These injuries can significantly impact a person’s mental health and quality of life.

Some injuries may not be apparent immediately, and delaying treatment can worsen the condition and make it harder to recover. Seeking medical attention will also provide the necessary documentation of your injuries, which can be used as evidence in a personal injury claim.

The Alarming Reality: 467 Lives Lost on New Mexico Roads

According to the information provided by the N.M. Department of Transportation and University of New Mexico, the total number of road deaths in New Mexico during 2022 amounted to 467.

This means that, on average, more than one person lost their life on N.M. roads every single day throughout the year. Although there was a slight decrease compared to 2021 when 481 people died, the figure is significantly higher than the 398 traffic fatalities recorded in 2020.

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the data, it is crucial to examine how these deaths were distributed across various modes of transportation and identify the factors that played a role. Here are the key findings:

1. Vehicle Types: The fatalities were categorized as follows:

   – Cars: 142 deaths

   – Pedestrians: 93 deaths

   – Vans/SUVs: 82 deaths

   – Pickups: 64 deaths

   – Motorcycles: 55 deaths

   – Semis or Buses: 19 deaths

   – Bicycles: 4 deaths

   – ATVs: 2 deaths

   – “Vehicle other/unknown”: Remaining cases

2. Alcohol-Related Fatalities:

Alcohol was a contributing factor in 106 of the deaths, accounting for approximately 23% of the total fatalities. Notably, this includes eight motorcyclist fatalities and 20 pedestrian fatalities. It is essential to highlight that alcohol-related deaths decreased from 177 in 2021 and 145 in 2020.

3. Geographic Distribution:

The deaths were relatively evenly split between rural and urban areas, with 242 fatalities occurring in rural regions and 225 in urban areas.

4. County Analysis:

Bernalillo County had the highest number of deaths, with 111 recorded. On the other hand, De Baca, Harding, and Los Alamos counties reported no fatalities during the same period.

5. Monthly Trends:

July emerged as the deadliest month, with 51 deaths. Conversely, January recorded the fewest fatalities, with 30.

6. Age Group Breakdown:

The data revealed that 57 of the fatalities involved individuals under the age of 21, while 67 fatalities involved individuals aged 65 or older.

7. Seat Belt Usage:

Alarmingly, approximately 40% of those killed in vehicles were not wearing seat belts. District 2, specifically Roswell, reported the highest percentage of unbelted fatalities at 51.7%.

8. Motorcycle Helmet Usage:

Out of the motorcyclist fatalities, 34 individuals were not wearing helmets.

If you or a loved one are struggling with PTSD after a motor vehicle accident, do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced team for a free consultation. We are here to help you navigate the legal process and work towards a brighter future.

Get Help from Ornelas & Serna Law

Ornelas & Serna Law is regarded as the best car accident law firm in Las Cruces, New Mexico. With years of experience in personal injury law, our attorneys have helped countless clients receive the compensation they deserve. 

Our attorneys are well-versed in the laws governing car accidents in Las Cruces and are dedicated to fighting for the rights of their clients. We understand the complexities of car accident claims and deeply understand the factors that affect compensation calculations. We have successfully represented clients in severe injuries, property damage, and wrongful death cases.

In addition to our expertise in car accident cases, Ornelas & Serna Law also provides exceptional customer service. We are dedicated to keeping our clients informed and updated throughout the legal process. More importantly, we are always available to answer questions and provide guidance.

Contact us today for a free case review. We won’t rest until your claim is heard and determined fairly. 

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